Activation energy, bipolar resistance switching behavior, and the electrical conduction transport properties of ITOX:SiO2 thin film resistive random access memory (RRAM) devices were observed and discussed. The ITOX:SiO2 thin films were prepared using a co-sputtering deposition method on the TiN/Si substrate. For the RRAM device structure fabrication, an Al/ITOX:SiO2/TiN/Si structure was prepared by using aluminum for the top electrode and a TiN material for the bottom electrode. In addition, grain growth, defect reduction, and RRAM device performance of the ITOX:SiO2 thin film for the various oxygen gas flow conditions were observed and described. Based on the I-V curve measurements of the RRAM devices, the turn on-off ratio and the bipolar resistance switching properties of the Al/ITOX:SiO2/TiN/Si RRAM devices in the set and reset states were also obtained. At low operating voltages and high resistance values, the conductance mechanism exhibits hopping conduction mechanisms for set states. Moreover, at high operating voltages, the conductance mechanism behaves as an ohmic conduction current mechanism. Finally, the Al/ITOX:SiO2/TiN/Si RRAM devices demonstrated memory window properties, bipolar resistance switching behavior, and nonvolatile characteristics for next-generation nonvolatile memory applications.