Community parks are significant green spaces for outdoor activities among the elderly in urban areas, further serving as crucial environments for their social interaction and mental restoration. This study comprehensively investigated outdoor thermal perception among the elderly in community parks during the winter in Huangshan, utilizing meteorological measurements, questionnaires, interviews and activity observations. It delved into the relationship between the elderly's outdoor thermal perception, age, and activities. Findings are as follows: 1) Ta and Tg were the primary factors influencing thermal perception in the elderly, with RH also being an important factor. Additionally, thermal sensation among individuals aged 80 and above was influenced by wind speed. 2) The NPET was 5.84 °C, with NPETR of 0.22–11.46 °C. The 80% TAR was 3.32–28.91 °C. Outdoor thermal benchmarks varied significantly among elderly individuals in different age groups. 3) The intensity and content of activities significantly influenced the elderly's outdoor thermal perception from physiological and psychological perspectives. Moreover, spatial satisfaction, thermal experience, and thermal adaptation behavior also influence outdoor thermal perception among the elderly. 4) Planning and design strategies for urban public spaces were proposed to enhance elderly residents' outdoor thermal comfort. The findings can guide community park designers in meeting the specific needs of elderly individuals and promoting healthy aging.