A new functional ceramic material Y2-xZrxMo3-xPxO12 was prepared by solid sintering method in the study. In order to further decrease the phase transition temperature of Y2Mo3O12 and improve its water absorption, a new low-expansion material of Y2-xZrxMo3-xPxO12 was prepared by replacing Y3+/Mo6+ ions in Y2Mo3O12 with Zr4+/P5+ ions. The hygroscopicity and thermal expansion of the material were further analyzed. Y2-xZrxMo3-xPxO12 (0.4 ≤ x ≤ 0.8) was an orthomorphic phase with space group Pbcn at room temperature and little crystal water existed in the lattice. With the increase in doped ions, the hygroscopicity of Y2Mo3O12 was weakened significantly. When the substitution content reached x = 0.4, Y1.6Zr0.4Mo2.6P0.4O12 realized the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of 1.82 × 10−6 K−1 in the temperature range from 300 K to 700 K and showed the nearly non-hygroscopicity and low thermal expansion (LTE) at room temperature.