This study aimed to support the pursuit of healthy oils and investigate the relationships between lipid compositions and digestion fates of diacylglycerol (DAG)-rich lipids using an in vitro digestion model. Soybean-, olive-, rapeseed-, camellia-, and linseed-based DAG-rich lipids (termed SD, OD, RD, CD, and LD, respectively) were selected. These lipids exhibited identical lipolysis degrees (92.20–94.36 %) and digestion rates (0.0403–0.0466 s−1). The lipid structure (DAG or triacylglycerol) was a more important factor affecting the lipolysis degree than other indices (glycerolipid composition and fatty acid composition). For RD, CD and LD with similar fatty acid compositions, the same fatty acid had different release levels, probably due to their different glycerolipid compositions (causing different distributions of the fatty acid in UU-DAG, USa-DAG and SaSa-DAG; U: unsaturated fatty acids, Sa: saturated fatty acids). This study provides insights into the digestion behaviors of different DAG-rich lipids and supports their food or pharmaceutical applications.