Simple fixed bed models such as the Bohart–Adams and Thomas equations are often used to describe the breakthrough characteristics of water and air contaminant adsorption in fixed bed adsorbers. However, these popular models are confined to correlating highly symmetric breakthrough curves. The present study explores the feasibility of using two probability distributions (normal and log-normal) to track asymmetric breakthrough curves for water and air contaminant adsorption in fixed bed columns (ciprofloxacin, ammonium, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen sulfide). The normal and log-normal probability distributions provided accurate fits to the slightly asymmetric ciprofloxacin breakthrough curve. They also provided a good representation of the overall shape of the ammonium breakthrough curve, but failed to describe the leakage of ammonium during the initial period of column operation. The log-normal distribution was able to match the asymmetric HCI and H2S breakthrough curves. The normal distribution, by comparison, failed to describe these two asymmetric breakthrough curves. Because the log-normal distribution has a floating inflection point, it was very effective in describing the asymmetric HCI and H2S breakthrough curves that were sharp initially and then broadened significantly as the column approached saturation. The ability of the normal distribution to track such asymmetric breakthrough data was impeded by its invariant inflection point.