Budi Wiweko,Eliza Mansyur,Tita Yuningsih,Ivan Sini,Vita Silvana,Mila Maidarti,Achmad Kemal Harzif,Gita Pratama,Kanadi Sumapraja,Muharam Natadisastra,Andon Hestiantoro,Soegiharto Soebijanto,Nurin Aisyiyah Listyasari,Batara Imanuel Sirait,Hari Hendarto,Tono Djuwantono,Binarwan Halim,Ilyas Angsar,Nusratuddin Abdullah,Putra Adnyana,Shofwal Widad,Samsulhadi Samsulhadi,Syarief Thaufik Hidayat,Hartanto Bayuaji,Wiryawan Permadi,Dedy Hendry,Syahnural Lubis,Pritta Ameilia Iffanolida,Kresna Mutia,Tri Septyani,Fahreza Akbar Siregar,Namira Khairani,Axel Jovito,Yuli Hayatunnufus,Ni Putu Cahya,Dafi Yulinda,Sarah Susanto,Tiara Berliana Azzahra
Abstract Objective This research was conducted to assess access to assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and the current status of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) program that have been implemented in Indonesia over the last 10 years. Methods We established a retrospective cohort study and descriptive analysis of the current state of access to infertility care in Indonesia. The data were collected from all IVF centers, clinics, and hospitals in Indonesia from 2011 to 2020, including the number of IVF clinics, total ART cycles, retrieved fresh and frozen embryos, average age of IVF patients, IVF pregnancy rate, and causes of infertility. Results The number of reported fertility clinics in Indonesia has increased from 14 clinics in 2011 to 41 clinics by 2020. As many as 69 569 ART cycles were conducted over the past 10 years, of which 51 892 cycles used fresh embryos and 17 677 cycles used frozen embryos. The leading cause of consecutive infertility diagnosis was male infertility. Nearly half of the women who underwent IVF procedures (48.9%) were under 35 years old. The pregnancy rate outcome of women who underwent IVF ranged from 24.6% to 37.3%. Conclusion Developments in ART in Indonesia have led to improvements in the ART cycles performed throughout the 10 year period. The identification of key areas that require improvement can provide an opportunity to enhance access to infertility care.