Chuanmao Zheng,Jieqing Li,Honggao Liu,Yuanzhong Wang
Edible wild-grown mushrooms, plentiful in resources, have excellent organoleptic properties, flavor, nutrition, and bioactive substances. However, fresh mushrooms, which have high water and enzymatic activity, are not protected by cuticles and are easily attacked by microorganisms. And wild-grown mushroom harvesting is seasonal the harvest of edible wild-grown mushrooms is subject to seasonality, so their market availability is challenging. Many processing methods have been used for postharvest mushroom processing, including sun drying, freezing, packaging, electron beam radiation, edible coating, ozone, and cooking, whose effects on the parameters and composition of the mushrooms are not entirely positive. This paper reviews the effect of processing methods on the quality of wild and some cultivated edible mushrooms. Drying and cooking, as thermal processes, reduce hardness, texture, and color browning, with the parallel that drying reduces the content of proteins, polysaccharides, and phenolics while cooking increases the chemical composition. Freezing, which allows mushrooms to retain better hardness, color, and higher chemical content, is a better processing method. Water washing and ozone help maintain color by inhibiting enzymatic browning. Edible coating facilitates the maintenance of hardness and total sugar content. Electrolytic water (EW) maintains total phenol levels and soluble protein content. Pulsed electric field and ultrasound (US) inhibit microbial growth. Frying maintains carbohydrates, lipids, phenolics, and proteins. And the mushrooms processed by these methods are safe. They are the focus of future research that combines different methods or develops new processing methods, molecular mechanisms of chemical composition changes, and exploring the application areas of wild mushrooms.