Role of Advanced Glycation End-Products and Oxidative Stress in Type-2-Diabetes-Induced Bone Fragility and Implications on Fracture Risk Stratification
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and osteoporosis (OP) are major causes of morbidity and mortality that have arelevant health and economic burden. Recent epidemiological evidence suggests that both of these disorders are often associated with each other and that T2D patients have an increased risk of fracture, making bone an additional target of diabetes. As occurs for other diabetic complications, the increased accumulation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and oxidative stress represent the major mechanisms explaining bone fragility in T2D. Both of these conditions directly and indirectly (through the promotion of microvascular complications) impair the structural ductility of bone and negatively affect bone turnover, leading to impaired bone quality, rather than decreased bone density. This makes diabetes-induced bone fragility remarkably different from other forms of OP and represents a major challenge for fracture risk stratification, since either the measurement of BMD or the use of common diagnostic algorithms for OP have a poor predictive value. We review and discuss the role of AGEs and oxidative stress on the pathophysiology of bone fragility in T2D, providing some indications on how to improve fracture risk prediction in T2D patients.