The topological (anti)skyrmion configurations have presented promise for versatile spintronic applications in racetrack memory, logic gates, and bio-inspired computing due to the nontrivial spin topology and convenient current-driven dynamics. However, the precise control of (anti)skyrmion-based information unit transportation via electric current in conquer of skyrmion Hall effect remains challenging especially in ferromagnetic films, limiting their integration into spintronic devices. In this study, we demonstrate the density, velocity, and direction control of half-skyrmion, with a topological charge of 1/2, in a predictable and governable way under the stimuli of electric current in Pt/Co/Ta multilayers. The particular nonsymmetric configuration of half-skyrmion introduces variable competing forces under joint manipulation of magnetic field and electric current. Thereby, the half-skyrmion application with highly controllable dynamic behavior is further proposed in prototype devices such as half-skyrmionic racetrack memory device with parallelized operation, programmable logic devices, and neuromorphic computing artificial synapses. This work sheds light on the versatile spintronic applications of half-skyrmions through electromagnetic coordinated manipulation.