The DEnitrifying AMmonium OXidation (DEAMOX) has been proven to be a promising process treating contaminated surface water containing ammonia and nitrate, while the enrichment of the slow-growing anammox bacteria (AnAOB) remains a challenge. In this study, a novel polyurethane-adhesion vermiculite/tourmaline (VTP) modified carrier was developed to achieve effective enrichment of AnAOB. The results demonstrated that the VTP-1 (vermiculite: tourmaline =1:1) system exhibited the greatest performance with the total nitrogen removal efficiency reaching 87.6% and anammox contributing 63% to nitrogen removal. Scanning electron microscope analysis revealed the superior biofilm structure of the VTP-1 carrier, providing attachment for AnAOB. The addition of VTP-1 promoted the secretion of EPS (extracellular polymeric substances) by microorganisms, which increased to 85.34 mg/g VSS, contributing to the aggregation of anammox cells. The favorable substrate microenvironment created by NH4+ adsorption and NO2- supply via partial denitrification process facilitated the growth of AnAOB. The relative abundance of Candidatus Brocadia and Thauera increased from 0.04% and 0.3% to 1.03% and 2.06% in the VTP-1 system, respectively. This study sheds new light on the anammox biofilm formation and provides a valid approach to initiate the DEAMOX process for low nitrogen polluted water treatment.