Mim8 is a next generation bispecific antibody developed for the prophylactic treatment of hemophilia A. The sensitivity of activated plasma thromboplastin time (APTT), assays measuring factor VIII activity (FVIII:C) and thrombin generation to plasma containing Mim8 was assessed.Congenital severe hemophilia A plasma was spiked with Mim8 at 0 μg/mL to 20 μg/mL. APTT was measured with 4 reagents, one-stage FVIII with 9 reagents, and chromogenic FVIII with 6 assays. Thrombin generation was assessed in a low tissue factor system.At 1-μg/mL Mim8, the APTT was shortened to within normal limits and one-stage FVIII:C was >1.00 IU/mL with all APTT reagents. Modified one-stage assays calibrated with Mim8 reference material calibrated recovered within 20% of the target Mim8 concentration with most APTT reagents. Factor VIII:C of bovine only chromogenic assays was <0.04 IU/mL at all Mim8 concentrations. Factor VIII:C of human only chromogenic assay was >4.00 IU/mL at 20-μg/mL Mim8. Factor VIII:C of hybrid bovine FX, human FIXa chromogenic assays ranged from 0.076 to >3.00 IU/mL at 20-μg/mL Mim8. Normal thrombin generation was restored at 5-μg/mL Mim8.APTT-based assays are sensitive to Mim8 and should not be performed in the presence of the drug. Chromogenic assays containing human proteins or hybrid human/bovine proteins demonstrated variable sensitivity to Mim8. Bovine only chromogenic assays were largely insensitive to the presence of Mim8. Thrombin generation normalized at increased Mim8 concentrations. Modified one-stage and chromogenic assays could be used to quantify the Mim8 concentration in plasma.