1. Chinese Economic Development and its Social and Institutional Foundations, Michael Dunford 2. Governance, Politics and Culture, Weidong LIU 3. Regional Disparities, Hui LIU 4. Transformation of Rural China, Yansui LIU and Hualou LONG 5. Changing Geography of Manufacturing, Boyang Gao and Zhigao Liu 6. Urbanization, Mingxing CHEN and Dadao LU 7. The Transformation of Public Services in Rural China, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu, Renfu Luo, Hongmei Yi, Yaojiang Shi and Scott Rozelle 8. Transformation of Urban Housing System, Xiaolu GAO, Ruohan HU and Fang WANG 9. The Floating Population and its Spatial Impacts, Shenghe LIU, Meifeng ZHAO and Wei QI 10. Transport Development, Chengjin Wang and Jiaoe Wang 11. Nearly 30 Years of Terrestrial Ecosystem Change in China, LIU Jiyuan, DENG Xiangzheng, YU Xiubo and KUANG Wenhui