Abstract Background Since antiquity, humans have been trying to devise remedies to cure androgenetic alopecia (AGA). These efforts include use of oral and topical concoctions and hair transplant strategies. As AGA affects people of all colors and creed, there has been a continuous effort to find a magic bullet against AGA. Unfortunately, to date, all the strategies to negate AGA effects have limitations and thus require new treatment options. Aim To evaluate the efficacy of use of stromal vascular fraction (SVF) in androgenetic alopecia patients. Methods Stromal vascular fraction was obtained by enzymatic digestion of autologous adipose tissue. The patients were divided into two groups, that is, platelet‐rich plasma (PRP) group and SVF‐PRP group. In PRP group, only PRP was injected, while in SVF‐PRP group a mixture of PRP and SVF was injected in affected scalp areas. After two sessions (4 weeks apart), the patients in both groups were assessed and analyzed using various parameters. Results Mean hair density in PRP group was increased from 52.44 hair/cm 2 to 63.72 hair/cm 2 (21.51% increase); while in SVF‐PRP group, it was 37.66 hair/cm 2 before treatment and 57.11 hair/cm 2 after SVF‐PRP therapy (51.64% increase). Percentage reduction in pull test was more significant in SVF‐PRP group (80.78 ± 5.84) as compared to PRP group (34.01 ± 22.44). The physician and patient assessment scores also indicated a significant improvement in SVF‐PRP group. Conclusion A combined SVF‐PRP therapy reversed effects of AGA more efficiently as compared to PRP therapy alone.