Icaro Aragao Fonseca,Felipe Oliveira,Henrique M. Gaspar
期刊:ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering日期:2019-11-11被引量:2
Abstract This paper focuses on virtual prototyping and simulation of marine operations based on web technologies. The ship is represented as a digital object, which can be used to perform different types of analyses and simulations. The presented simulations are: motion of a single hull and of multiple hulls in regular waves calculated with closed-form expressions, induced pendulum motion response to a lifted load, and motion of a barge with initial movements in still water calculated with equations of motion. The simulations are developed as web applications in JavaScript and HTML, with graphical user interfaces and 3D renders of the operations. Relevant parameters of the simulations such as wave characteristics and design dimensions are linked to interactive dashboards, allowing the user to modify them and visualize the results in real-time. The applications are lightweight enough to be executed locally in the web browser of most modern devices. The work employs an open source approach, relying most notably on the Vessel.js library. This aims to foster reuse of models and collaboration with external contributors.