Due to the heavy metabolic burden and low efficiency of microbial pure cultures during the biotechnological process for biochemicals production, researchers have focused on microbial cocultivation systems, which can complete more complicated tasks through the labor division. However, one problem hindering the application of microbial cocultivation system is the instability. Cell immobilization technology provides a promising solution, which not only allows the cell system to be used for multiple times but also relieves feedback inhibition toward cells caused by metabolic products. In addition, the adverse competition between different microorganisms can be reduced after immobilization. Thus, the synergistic effect of microorganisms can be promoted. In this review, we comprehensively summarized current advances toward cell immobilization technology used in microbial cocultivation system, which was mainly applied for biochemicals production. Furthermore, the challenges and perspectives of immobilized cocultivation were also raised.