Pressure ulcer (PU) is one of the most common occurrences in bedridden subjects. Despite the standard of care, there is a huge challenge in monitoring immobile subjects in all the bodily pressure points. This increases the chance of onset of PU which in turn increases the expenditure for treating and managing the PU. Hence, we made a study on the biological and physiological factors that are responsible for the formation of PU and also on various techniques used for diagnosis. Thus, we have summarised the efficacy of various advanced diagnostic procedures with their limitations. Though there are advanced imaging techniques, risk assessment tools based on the visual inspection are widely followed in hospitals. Based on our observation, we here have identified three major areas; one being the development of mathematical modeling, the second is towards the development of non-invasive devices and finally to automate cot facility. We have also provided possible suggestions as to solutions that could be useful to researchers and for society. Thus, this review covers the present difficulty faced by bedridden subjects and respective care-takers along with the knowledge gap and a few suggestions as to future scope.