Understanding tool wear characteristics in machining SiC particle–reinforced aluminum matrix (SiCp/Al) composites is crucial for tool structure design and promising wide application of the material. This paper comprehensively studied the effect of particle volume fractions (PVFs) on the wear characteristics for the multi-coated cutting tool in turning SiCp/Al composites. Tool wear curves for machining SiCp/Al/15%p, 30%p, and 45%p were depicted. Importantly, the tool wear characteristics for full wear stages on rake and flank face were obtained for the first time. Results show that the increase of PVFs accelerated the removal of coating and the peeling of the adhesive layer. Different appearances of the adhesive wear on the rake face were found, where the deposited and adhesive layers were in turning SiCp/Al/15%p, and deposited layer and microchip adhesion were in turning SiCp/Al/30%p and 45%p. Specifically, strong protection of adhesive layer prevented the formation of coating shedding and crater wear on the rake face in turning SiCp/Al/15%p. The wear characteristics on the flank face were characterized by adhesive wear, abrasive wear, and coating shedding, which remained consistent whether in different PVFs or at different wear stages.Graphical abstract