This paper tests the Korda method, a problem-based learning method for entrepreneurship education for both secondary- and tertiary-level students and describes how the EntreComp framework was utilized to evaluate these programs. The research questions inspect: (1) to what extent the EntreComp framework can be used to evaluate entrepreneurship courses, and (2) to what extent the Korda Method is suitable for EE as a student-centred pedagogy. This study was planned as a multiple case study designed and carried out in two different contexts. A quantitative and qualitative questionnaire was based on the three competence areas of EntreComp and on the 15 sub-competences. In the results, this paper highlights possibilities and challenges in the use of the EntreComp framework. On the practical side, it is useful to evaluate and compare our EE programs as this represented a starting point with a variety of competences. On the theoretical side, EntreComp's view of competence tends to lose sight of the contexts where competence is developed; and is well complemented by a theory of curriculum delivery to deliver the expected learning outcomes. Concerning the Korda method, students in both settings developed all the sub-competences related to EntreComp, especially teamwork and learning through experience skills.