The rabbits are considered small mammals that had, in comparison to big animals, they have a high metabolic rate and oxygen requirement. Because the larynx is located at a high angle to the oropharynx, it may immediately access the nasopharynx of rabbits categorized as nose breathers. The lungs were symmetrical in size, with the right lung being more prominent than the left and situated at the trachea's bottom. The trachea is located between the left and right bronchus. Twenty rabbits were transported to the laboratory, and by the appropriate laboratory, the instrument opened the thoracic cavity, and also the organs were filmed while the respiratory organs were removed. Due to the heart interposition and its left deviation, the left lung in rabbits is smaller than the right lung, which has just three lobes. The lungs also lack septa. The trachea is separated into two bronchi, the last of which is branched into tiny bronchioles. Achieve a histological and morphological description of rabbits' respiratory tract because the rabbits are valuable models in respiratory research due to their respiratory hyperresponsiveness, which resembles asthma in humans. The larynx is located lower than the oropharynx, where it may directly access the nasopharynx, and the rabbits are nasal breathers. The primary respiratory organs of rabbits are the left and right lung, trachea and bronchi, as in humans and rats. Still, it is supported by double cartilage in the conducting portion of the respiratory system. Keywords. Respiratory system, Oryctolagus cuniculus.