The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of alveolar bone reconstruction for alveolar cleft patients performed with the traditional iliac graft or alternative/supplementary bone grafting materials. Electronic databases, relevant journals, and reference lists of the included studies were searched to the end of June 2016. A best-evidence synthesis was performed to draw conclusions. A total of 38 studies were included, which provided 25 pieces of evidence: seven of moderate evidence and 18 of insufficient evidence. The seven pieces of moderate evidence indicated that (1) bone morphogenetic protein 2 bound to absorbable collagen sponge shares similar cleft repair efficacy to the iliac graft; (2) covering the iliac graft with an acellular dermis matrix membrane may increase bone retention for unilateral cleft patients; (3) mixing iliac graft with platelet-rich plasma may increase bone retention for skeletally mature patients, but (4) does not achieve the same result for younger patients; and compared with the iliac graft, (5) the mandible graft is more effective, whereas (6) the cranium graft and (7) rib graft are less effective for alveolar cleft reconstruction. The efficacy of the remaining grafting materials was supported by insufficient evidence. More well-designed controlled studies are needed to ascertain the long-term clinical results of alveolar cleft reconstruction.