To deal with the effect of liquid storage on the distribution of implosion, a fluid–solid coupling model is built for the shared nodes of implosion in the liquid storage tank. The displacement compatibility and acceleration and speed coupling are achieved between the implosion field (gas, liquid) and liquid storage tank. First, using this model, the implosion-generated overpressure distribution and structural response under the working condition of half filled tank are obtained. The results show that the overpressure, displacement and stress are high on the shell near the liquid level. Then, the effects of both the TNT equivalent and liquid level on implosion in the liquid storage tank are studied. As the TNT equivalent increases, the maximum overpressure, displacement and stress on the shell near the liquid level increase. Consequently, the maximum overpressure and displacement on the shell near the liquid level exceed those at the roof-to-shell connection of the tank. In contrast, as the liquid level increases, the maximum stress and displacement first increase near the shell. After reaching the peaks near half filled level, they begin to decrease. Only when the liquid reaches a certain level, it can have an attenuating effect on the overpressure at the bottom-to-shell connection. However, if the liquid level continues to rise beyond a certain threshold, the attenuating effect is no longer prominent.