Kate Gifford,Kathryn Richdale,Pauline Kang,Thomas Aller,Carly Siu Yin Lam,Y. Maria Liu,Langis Michaud,Jeroen A. Mulder,Janis B. Orr,Kathryn Rose,Kathryn J. Saunders,Dirk Seidel,J. Willem L. Tideman,Padmaja Sankaridurg
Best practice clinical guidelines for myopia control involve an understanding of the epidemiology of myopia, risk factors, visual environment interventions, and optical and pharmacologic treatments, as well as skills to translate the risks and benefits of a given myopia control treatment into lay language for both the patient and their parent or caregiver. This report details evidence-based best practice management of the pre-, stable, and the progressing myope, including risk factor identification, examination, selection of treatment strategies, and guidelines for ongoing management. Practitioner considerations such as informed consent, prescribing off-label treatment, and guides for patient and parent communication are detailed. The future research directions of myopia interventions and treatments are discussed, along with the provision of clinical references, resources, and recommendations for continuing professional education in this growing area of clinical practice.