Jocelyn V. Hull,Mitchell Padkins,Stephanie El Hajj,Mohammed Al-Hijji,Amrit Kanwar,Daniel J. Crusan,Rajiv Gulati,Abdallah El Sabbagh,Jung Tak Park,Ryan J. Lennon,Atta Behfar,Charanjit S. Rihal,Mandeep Singh
To study the incidence of complications when undergoing right heart catheterization (RHC) and right ventricular biopsy (RVB).Complications following RHC and RVB are not well reported. We studied the incidence of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, unplanned bypass, pneumothorax, hemorrhage, hemoptysis, heart valve repair/replacement, pulmonary artery perforation, ventricular arrhythmias, pericardiocentesis, complete heart block, and deep vein thrombosis (primary endpoint) following these procedures. We also adjudicated the severity of tricuspid regurgitation and causes of in-hospital death following RHC. Diagnostic RHC procedures, RVB, multiple right heart procedures alone or combined with left heart catheterization, and complications from January 1, 2002, through December 31, 2013, were identified using the clinical scheduling system and electronic records at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision billing codes were used. Registration was queried to identify all-cause mortality. All clinical events and echocardiograms for worsening tricuspid regurgitation were reviewed and adjudicated.A total of 17,696 procedures were identified. Procedures were categorized into those undergoing RHC (n=5556), RVB (n=3846), multiple right heart catheterization (n=776), and combined right and left heart catheterization procedures (n=7518). Primary endpoint was seen in 21.6 and 20.8 of 10,000 procedures for RHC and RVB, respectively. There were 190 (1.1%) deaths during hospital admission and none was related to the procedure.Complications following diagnostic RHC and RVB are seen in 21.6 and 20.8 procedures, respectively, of 10,000 procedures and all deaths were secondary to acute illness.