Efficient transport in vertical pipeline hydraulic lifting systems is vital for coarse-grained ore, necessitating a deep comprehension of the settling traits of coarse mineral particles. In this study, we conducted a series of settling experiments on individual coarse particles in Newtonian fluids with varying viscosities, employing a self-designed and manufactured settling apparatus. A total of 133 sets of experimental data on the free settling of coarse particles in Newtonian fluids were obtained by recording the particle settling process with a high-speed camera and applying image processing techniques. A mechanical model was employed to perform statistical analysis on the experimental data and establish a predictive model for the drag coefficient and an explicit predictive model for the settling terminal velocity of coarse-grained ore in Newtonian fluids. The average relative errors between the predicted values and experimental values of the drag coefficient and settling terminal velocity models are 4.26% and 7.34%, respectively. This confirms the reliability of the provided predicted model, providing a theoretical foundation for determining the hydraulic lifting speed of coarse mineral particles in vertical pipelines for deep mining.