Abstract P3159: Exosomes Derived From Podoplanin Positive Cells Induce Endo-Mt And Myofibroblast Transformation In Healthy Mouse Heart And After Ischemic Injury
Maria Cimini,Vandana Mallaredy,Conchi Estarás,May Truongcao,Chunlin Wang,Cindy Benedict,Raj Kishore
期刊:Circulation Research [Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer)] 日期:2023-08-04卷期号:133 (Suppl_1)
Specific understanding of the differences in cell communications between physiologicaland pathological conditions harbor the understanding of mechanisms to recover theequilibrium in the injured tissue and restore the organ function. Neurohumoral factorsreleased after myocardial infarction (MI) induce the expression of platelet aggregation-inducing type I transmembrane glycoprotein named Podoplanin (PDPN) in mesenchymalstromal cells, which pivot their structural support function and actively participate in theremodeling of the ischemic tissue releasing an abundance of extracellular vesicles calledexosomes. Exosomes (exo) derived from activated PDPN+ cells conditioned media wereused in vivo for the treatment of healthy mouse hearts, and in vitro for the treatment ofmouse cardiac endothelial cells (mCECs), NHI-3T3 and adult cardiac fibroblast. Ourongoing experiments showed that in vivo, PDPN-exo could independently alter healthyheart physiology and structure; mice hearts treated with PDPN-exo developed anextended epicardial fibrosis with a subsequent impairment in the contractility and increaseof the end diastolic and systolic volumes. The fibrotic area was characterized by ECMdeposition, increased lymphatic vessels and infiltrating CD45+ cells. In vitro, PDPN-exoreprogramed mCECs, NHI-3T3 and adult cardiac fibroblast, upregulating the expressionof fibrotic markers suggesting an Endothelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EndoMT) andmyofibroblast transformation. Proteomic analysis of PDPN-exo suggests these transitionsmay depend upon the delivery of NOTCH1 via exosomes and the cleavage of it throughγ-Secretase. Experiments of gain and loss of NOTCH1 function showed thatoverexpression of NOTCH1 intracellular domain (NICD1) in vitro was sufficient to derivea lineage switching in mCECs and fibroblasts on the contrary in vivo delivery and in vitrotreatment with exosomes derived from PDPN+ cells silenced for NOTCH1 or treatmentwith γ-Secretase inhibitor did not alter the heart structure and function or the endothelialcells and fibroblast lineage. Thus, NOTCH1 delivery via PDPN-exo after MI play a majorrole in scar remodeling and its biology can be pharmacologically modulated.