Individuals exposed to highly stressful negative events show alterations in working memory (WM) function. The correlational nature of these studies makes it impossible to determine whether exposure to negative events itself decreases WM. Such events elicit intrusive thoughts which may cause interference in WM. The main objective of this study was to verify the causal impact of a recent negative event on WM, and to examine the role of intrusive thoughts. One hundred and twenty participants completed a WM task (n-Back). Then, 90 of these participants watched an emotionally negative video and 30 watched a neutral video. The emotional impact of the video was assessed, and the frequency of intrusive thoughts were measured. WM was measured a second time (n-Back) while recording EEG (P300). Contrary to our hypothesis, the negative video did not impair behavioural WM performance compared to the neutral video. However, it disrupted WM neurocognitive processes (lower P300 amplitude) under low WM load. In the high load condition, greater emotional reaction was linked to poorer accuracy and more intrusive thoughts, which in turn slowed response times. Our results suggest that the impact of negative emotions on WM depends on both individual sensitivity and cognitive load.