Abstract Herein, two atomically precise silver nanoclusters, Ag54 and Ag33 , directed by inner anion templates (CrO 4 2− and/or Cl − ), are initially isolated as a mixed phase from identical reactants across a wide temperature range (20–80 °C). Interestingly, fine‐tuning the reaction temperature can realize pure phase synthesis of the two nanoclusters; that is, a metastable Ag54 is kinetically formed at a low temperature (20 °C), whereas such a system is steered towards a thermodynamically stable Ag33 at a relatively high temperature (80 °C). Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry illustrates that the stability of Ag33 is superior to that of Ag54 , which is further supported by density functional theory calculations. Importantly, the difference in structural stability can influence the pathway of 1,4‐bis(pyrid‐4‐yl)benzene induced transformation reaction starting from Ag54 and Ag33 . The former undergoes a dramatic breakage‐reorganization process to form an Ag 31 dimer ( Ag31 ), while the same product can be also achieved from the latter following a noninvasive ligand exchange process. Both the Ag54 and Ag33 have the potential for further remote laser ignition applications. This work not only demonstrates how temperature controls the isolation of a specific phase, but also sheds light on the structural transformation pathway of nanoclusters with different stability.