Background and aim Metabolic dysfunctions, particularly hyperlipidemia, are a common finding in Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC). In presence of metabolic components of fatty-liver-disease (MAFLD), the liver fibrosis progression risk is higher. The aim of this study was to evaluate lifestyle of PBC patients compared to controls. Methods In a prospective, multicenter study 107 PBC patients were enrolled; among these, 54 subjects were age-and sex-matched with 54 controls with a propensity-score-matching-analysis. Eating habits and physical activity were evaluated, respectively, with a food-frequency-questionnaire and with a short pre-validated-questionnaire. The adherence to Mediterranean diet was assessed with the alternate Mediterranean diet score. Results The total fat intake was higher in controls than in PBC (p=0.004), unless above the national recommendations in both groups. Moreover, in PBC monounsaturated-fat and polyunsaturated-fatty-acid intakes and the adherence to Mediterranean diet were significantly lower than in controls (p<0.001, p=0.005 and p<0.001 respectively). Regarding physical activity, PBC subjects had a sedentary behavior as well as controls. Conclusions The lifestyle of both PBC and controls is at high risk of developing MAFLD. Therefore, hepatologists should regularly evaluate eating habits and physical activity in PBC patients and promote a lifestyle change to reduce liver disease progression risk.