The lipids with a rich diversity of isomers face a formidable challenge in comprehensive structural analysis. The commonly used mass spectrometry-based techniques usually require a considerable number of molecules with sophisticated chemical derivatization or ion mobility separation, but the co-existing of structurally similar isomers often makes the distinction impossible. Here, we develop an alternative powerful liquid/liquid interfacial surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) strategy at normal temperature and pressure without any sources of ionization or radiation. This strategy generates high-resolution fingerprints in molecular chain length, C═C position, saturation, and regio- and stereoisomers of both glycerides and fatty acids and requires only trace amounts of molecules down to 1 ppb to achieve discrimination and exhibits great potentials to push the identification capability to trace levels or even the single-molecule level. According to experimental data and theoretical simulations, these targets have the amphiphilic and emulsifying properties, exhibit ordered molecular orientation and adsorption patterns, promote the co-assembly with plasmonic nanoarrays at the immiscible liquid/liquid interface, and consequently amplify the detection sensitivity. As a contrast, the typical SERS based on solid/air interfacial plasmonic nanoarrays faces the intrinsic bottleneck of extremely weak intensity and indistinguishable spectral fingerprints of lipid molecules. The vibrational fingerprints exhibit a rich range of well-resolved absorption features that are clearly diagnostic for fine structural changes and pave a new way for straightforward measurement without laborsome sample purification, enrichment, or complex derivatization. Although challenging, its unprecedented resolving power expands the potentials of SERS, serving as an ultimate analytical method to provide insights into the detailed structural features of other lipids under facile conditions in the future.