Dielectric Properties of Organic Solvents from Non-Polarizable Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Electronic Continuum Model and Density Functional Theory
Dielectric constants of electrolytic organic solvents are calculated employing nonpolarizable Molecular Dynamics simulation with Electronic Continuum (MDEC) model and Density Functional Theory. The molecular polarizabilities are obtained by the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory to estimate high-frequency refractive indices while the densities and dipole moment fluctuations are computed using nonpolarizable MD simulations. The dielectric constants reproduced from these procedures are evaluated to provide a reliable approach for estimating the experimental data. An additional feature, two representative solvents which have similar molecular weights but are different dielectric properties, i.e., ethyl methyl carbonate and propylene carbonate, are compared using MD simulations and the distinctly different dielectric behaviors are observed at short times as well as at long times.