To investigate the effects of mixing polypropylene fiber of different sizes and the effect of fiber size on the impact characteristics of concrete, two sizes of polypropylene fine fiber and one size of polypropylene coarse fiber were selected to design and fabricate nine groups of polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete test specimens by controlling the fiber mixing ratio and conducting a split Hopkinson pressure bar test to obtain the stress–strain curves of the test specimens in various groups, and their parameters such as the elasticity modulus, peak strength, and peak strain. The incorporation of fiber improved the pre-peak impact properties of concrete to different extents. Strain hardening did not occur in the post-peak curves, and different types of fibers exhibited different characteristics. Thus, the fine fiber could significantly improve the peak strain, while the coarse fiber could more significantly improve the elasticity modulus and peak strength. The improving effects exerted by incorporating three types of fiber were better than those exerted by incorporating two types of fiber. Moreover, the statistical damage model was used to obtain the parameters by fitting and analyzing their variation rules based on the statistical damage constitutive model and the particle swarm optimization algorithm.