Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have drawn a great deal of attention due to a diverse range of advantageous properties (e.g., large surface area, favorable pore-size distribution, structural tunability, versatility, and facile functionalization). The bimetallic MOFs (BMOFs) formed through the incorporation of bimetals in MOF structure are useful to enhance the intrinsic properties of frameworks, as they can favorably introduce defects and high porosity through combinational effects between different metals. As such, the utility of BMOFs can be expanded greatly in diverse applications such as supercapacitor (SC) electrode. In this review, we describe different methods of preparing BMOFs and their derivatives for the construction of diverse BMOF-based SCs. The recent advances achieved in the design and production of pristine BMOFs and their derived nanostructures (e.g., bimetal oxides, sulfides, phosphides, and carbonaceous products) in SC applications are also addressed in association with the evaluation of their electrochemical performance. The present review is thus expected to help establish a technology roadmap for the fabrication and commercialization of novel SC products.