Matched Facet‐Induced Microflower‐Like Li, Ni‐Codoped Zn 3 V 3 O 8 /V 2 O 3 Nanoplate Assemblies Grown on Bamboo‐Like Carbon Nanotube for High Energy Density Lithium‐Ion Capacitors
Herein, Li, Ni-codoped Zn3V3O8/V2O3@bamboo-like carbon nanotube (BCNT) is synthesized as an anode for a Li-ion capacitor (LIC), which exhibits a high capacity and excellent cycling stability. The capacity retention is 91.0% after 2000 cycles at 5 A g−1. Meanwhile, the formation mechanism of the hierarchical morphology of LNZVO@C is investigated. It is expected that the formation of Zn3V3O8/V2O3 nanoplates is based on their matched d spacings, d(311)(Zn3V3O8) ≈ d(110)(V2O3). The lateral and radial (thickness) directions of the nanoplate are along Zn3V3O8 (311) and (111) facets, respectively. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that the Zn2VO4 (311/111) heterointerface is thermodynamically favorable, and its good stability is associated with the charge transfer from the V atoms on the (111) surface to the V atoms on the (311) surface. Although the existence of ZnV2O4 phase is not beneficial for the formation of ZnV2O4 (311)/(111) interface, it favors the improvement of electron conductivity. Meanwhile, a KOH-activated BCNT is designed as the cathode for LIC, which shows a relatively high capacity. The LNZVO@C//FBCNT LIC with carbon nanotube–derived cathode and anode can provide high energy densities.