Assembling 3D hierarchical hollow flower-like Ni@N-doped graphitic carbon for boosting simultaneously efficient removal and sensitive monitoring of multiple sulfonamides
The excessive accumulation of sulfonamides (SAs) drugs makes it imperative to develop novel materials for boosting simultaneously efficient removal and precise monitoring of multiple SAs. Herein, three-dimensional hollow flower-like Ni@nitrogen-doped graphitic carbon (3DHFNi@NGC) was designed/fabricated via a facile one-pot hydrothermal route and subsequent pyrolysis. The resultant 3DHFNi@NGC exhibits a unique 3D hollow hierarchical architecture assembled by a layer-by-layer interlacing of corrugated nanosheets subunits, thereby affording numerous interconnected channels, available internal/external surfaces as well as suitable interior cavities. By virtue of its special architecture and in-situ generated N-doped graphitic carbon along with good magnetism, the 3DHFNi@NGC demonstrates superior sorption performance towards SAs, accompanied by high total saturated adsorption capacity, fast sorption rate and easy magnetic recycling. It is noteworthy that as-constructed 3DHFNi@NGC also exhibits high-sensitive/simultaneous detection of trace multiple SAs combined high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), together with a low detection limit (0.035-0.071 ng mL-1) and a broad linear range (0.2-100 ng mL-1) as well as high enrichment factors (252 < EFs < 291). These indicate that the smart 3DHFNi@NGC could be a promising candidate for the synchronous remediation and sensitive detection of multiple SAs in aqueous systems, presenting a viable option for sewage treatment and water quality monitoring.