The damaging effect of UV rays below 320 nm on the rabbit anterior eye segment. II. Enzyme histochemical changes and plasmin activity after prolonged irradiation
Prolonged irradiation of the rabbit eyes with UVB rays (312 nm) caused serious enzymatic disturbances in the cornea and lens and the development of an inflammatory reaction in the whole anterior eye segment, particularly in the cornea. In the corneal stroma many inflammatory cells with high activities of acid glycosidases and lysosomal proteases were present. This was accompanied with significantly elevated plasmin activity in the tear fluid (1.6 IU/ml). Plasmin appeared also in the aqueous humour (0.8 IU/ml). For the treatment of these changes catalase (1 mg/1 ml saline), aprotinin (100 micrograms/1 ml saline) and catalase-aprotinin mixture (1:1) were applied on the eye surface during irradiation. The catalase-aprotinin mixture was most efficient and decreased plasmin activity in the tear fluid and diminished disturbances of the anterior eye segment. Obviously both, active oxygen species and elevated plasmin activity in the tear fluid contribute to the damage of the anterior eye segment and development of intracorneal inflammation after irradiation of the eye with UVB rays.