Yan Yang,Lei Zhao,Yufang Wang,Man-Li Chang,Changhong Huo,Yu‐Cheng Gu,Qing‐Wen Shi,Hiromasa Kiyota
by Yan Yanga)b), Lei Zhaoa)b), Yu-Fang Wanga), Man-Li Changa), Chang-Hong Huoa), Yu-Cheng Gua)c), Qing-Wen Shi*a), and Hiromasa Kiyota*d) a) Department of Medicinal Natural Product Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, P. R. China (phone: þ86-311-86265634; e-mail: shiqingwen@hebmu.edu.cn) b) The Tumor Hospital of Yunnan Province, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, 519 Kunzhou Road, Kunming 650118, P. R. China c) Jealott s Hill International Research Centre, Syngenta, Berkshire, RG426EY, UK d) Laboratory of Applied Bioorganic Chemistry, Division of Life Science, Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, TohokuUniversity, 1-1 Tsutsumidori-Amamiya, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 981-8555, Japan (phone/fax: þ81-22-7178785; e-mail: kiyota@biochem.tohoku.ac.jp)