The theory of explicitly time-dependent invariants is developed for quantum systems whose Hamiltonians are explicitly time dependent. The central feature of the discussion is the derivation of a simple relation between eigenstates of such an invariant and solutions of the Schrödinger equation. As a specific well-posed application of the general theory, the case of a general Hamiltonian which settles into constant operators in the sufficiently remote past and future is treated and, in particular, the transition amplitude connecting any initial state in the remote past to any final state in the remote future is calculated in terms of eigenstates of the invariant. Two special physical systems are treated in detail: an arbitrarily time-dependent harmonic oscillator and a charged particle moving in the classical, axially symmetric electromagnetic field consisting of an arbitrarily time-dependent, uniform magnetic field, the associated induced electric field, and the electric field due to an arbitrarily time-dependent uniform charge distribution. A class of explicitly time-dependent invariants is derived for both of these systems, and the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the invariants are calculated explicitly by operator methods. The explicit connection between these eigenstates and solutions of the Schrödinger equation is also calculated. The results for the oscillator are used to obtain explicit formulas for the transition amplitude. The usual sudden and adiabatic approximations are deduced as limiting cases of the exact formulas.