Post-occlusive reactive hyperemia (PORH) is an accepted diagnostic tool for assessing peripheral macrovascular function. While conduit artery hemodynamics have been well defined, the impact of PORH on capillary hemodynamics remains unknown, despite the microvasculature being the dominant site of vascular control. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of 5 min of feed artery occlusion on capillary hemodynamics in skeletal muscle. We tested the hypothesis that, upon release of arterial occlusion, there would be: 1) an increased red blood cell flux (fRBC) and red blood cell velocity (VRBC), and 2) a decreased proportion of capillaries supporting RBC flow compared to the pre-occlusion condition.In female Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 6), the spinotrapezius muscle was exteriorized for evaluation of capillary hemodynamics pre-occlusion, 5 min of feed artery occlusion (Occ), and 5 min of reperfusion (Post-Occ).There were no differences in mean arterial pressure (MAP) or capillary diameter (Dc) between pre-occlusion and post-occlusion (P > 0.05). During 30 s of PORH, capillary fRBC was increased (pre: 59 ± 4 vs. 30 s-post: 77 ± 2 cells/s; P < 0.05) and VRBC was not changed (pre: 300 ± 24 vs. 30 s post: 322 ± 25 μm/s; P > 0.05). Capillary hematocrit (Hctcap) was unchanged across the pre- to post-occlusion conditions (P > 0.05). Following occlusion, there was a 20-30% decrease in the number of capillaries supporting RBC flow at 30 s and 300 s-post occlusion (pre: 92 ± 2%; 30 s-post: 66 ± 3%; 300 s-post: 72 ± 6%; both P < 0.05).Short-term feed artery occlusion (i.e. 5 min) resulted in a more heterogeneous capillary flow profile with the presence of capillary no-reflow, decreasing the percentage of capillaries supporting RBC flow. A complex interaction between myogenic and metabolic mechanisms at the arteriolar level may play a role in the capillary no-reflow with PORH. Measurements at the level of the conduit artery mask significant alterations in blood flow distribution in the microcirculation.