The knowledge of the local electronic structure of heterogeneous solid materials is crucial for understanding their electronic, magnetic, transport, optical, and other properties. VASP, one of the mostly used packages for density-functional calculations, provides local electronic structure either by projecting the electronic wave functions on atomic spheres, or as a band-decomposed partial charge density. Here, we present a simple tool which takes the partial charge density and the energy eigenvalues calculated by VASP as input and constructs local charge and spin densities. The new data provides a much better spatial understanding than the projection on the atomic spheres. It can be visualized directly in the real space e.g. with Vesta, or averaged along planes spanned by two of the lattice vectors of the periodic unit cell. The plane-averaged local (spin) density of states can be easily plotted e.g. as color-coded data using almost any plotting program. DensityTool can be applied to visualize and understand the local electronic structure of any system calculated with VASP. We expect it to be useful especially for researchers concerned with inhomogeneous systems, such as interfaces, defects, surfaces, adsorbed molecules, or hybrid inorganic-organic composites. Program Title: DensityTool CPC Library link to program files: https://doi.org/10.17632/26mcg4jwvd.1 Developer's repository link: https://github.com/llodeiro/DensityTool Licensing provisions: MIT Programming language: FORTRAN Supplementary material: A complementary User Manual and examples can be found in the developer's repository link. Nature of problem: Total and local density of states (LDOS) are widely-used quantities for understanding the electronic structure of condensed matter. In VASP, one of the mostly used packages for numerically solving the Kohn-Sham equations of density-functional theory, one does not directly obtain the LDOS. Usually, one works with partial density of states (PDOS), where the wave function is projected onto atomic orbitals . Alternatively, it is possible to calculate the band- and wavevector-dependent charge densities. Together with the band structure , LDOS can be obtained using post-processing tools. Solution method: DensityTool combines the band structure with band- and wavevector-dependent charge densities calculated by VASP to construct LDOS. In addition, spin-resolved LDOS (LSDOS) can be calculated for magnetic systems. Thus obtained LDOS and LSDOS can be further processed with DensityTool. In particular, it can be averaged along chosen spatial directions, which is convenient for example to demonstrate the spatially-resolved electronic structure of inhomogeneous systems. DensityTool can handle all three types of approaches implemented in VASP (non-magnetic, collinear magnetic, non-collinear magnetic including spin-orbit coupling), as well as all types of self-consistent band calculations as DFT (e.g., LDA , GGA, mGGA, BJ, and hybrid exchange-correlation functionals) and HF. For convenience, the output of DensityTool follows the format of VASP (the CHGCAR file), which can be easily used in other programs for visualization. We provide a sample python script to plot averaged L(S)DOS from the calculated data.