Many studies have established the strong connections between aboveground biomass and lidar height metrics; however, these relationships are site-specific. Field data required to derive these relationships are not readily available in many cases. We developed a model to estimate plot-level aboveground biomass density (AGBD) directly from large-footprint lidar waveform measurements. An individual tree-based aboveground biomass (AGB)-height allometric relationship was scaled up to the plot level using lidar-waveform sensed tree height and crown size distribution characteristics. The AGBD was estimated based on a waveform/foliage profile-weighted height-based allometric equation. The AGBD-height scaling exponent was then built on the allometric relationships of tree height with stem diameter and crown volume with tree height. Global vegetation structure data analysis demonstrated that one general model (scaling exponent ~ 1.6–1.8) works reasonably well across all global forest biomes except boreal forests (scaling exponent ~ 0.9). We applied the model to estimate aboveground biomass in two distinct geographic regions: temperate deciduous/conifer forests in the northeastern USA and a montane conifer forest in Sierra National Forest in California. Local vegetation structural data analysis leads to a consistent height scaling exponent for these two distinct biomes, slightly different from the global data analysis results. This model produced optimal AGBD estimates using the local height scaling exponent value. Adequate AGBD estimates with the general height scaling exponent value were also provided by our model. Our analysis suggests one general allometric relationship between plot-level AGBD and large-footprint lidar waveforms. Integrating local structure allometric relationships improve the predictive accuracy of the model. Our model outperformed the lidar height metrics-based approach for AGBD estimates and overcame the biomass underestimation problem using height metrics for high biomass regions. This model could potentially serve as a general and robust model for monitoring forest carbon stocks using large-footprint lidar waveform measurements such as the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) mission at the continental and global scales. The model could be a framework for integrating a demography-based terrestrial ecosystem model and GEDI global mission measurements to improve global carbon stock and flux estimates.