There are a large number of unannotated proteins with unknown functions in rice, which are difficult to be verified by biological experiments. Therefore, computational method is one of the mainstream methods for rice proteins function prediction. Two representative rice proteins, indica protein and japonica protein, are selected as the experimental dataset. In this paper, two feature extraction methods (the residue couple model method and the pseudo amino acid composition method) and the Principal Component Analysis method are combined to design protein descriptive features. Moreover, based on the state-of-the-art MIML algorithm EnMIMLNN, a novel MIML learning framework MK-EnMIMLNN is proposed. And the MK-EnMIMLNN algorithm is designed by learning multiple kernel fusion function neural network. The experimental results show that the hybrid feature extraction method is better than the single feature extraction method. More importantly, the MK-EnMIMLNN algorithm is superior to most classic MIML learning algorithms, which proves the effectiveness of the MK-EnMIMLNN algorithm in rice proteins function prediction.