Eu3+ and/or Sm3+ -doped CaMoO4 phosphors were prepared using a hydrothermal method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) results show that the sample is in a tetragonal CaMoO4 phase, the space group is I41/a (88), the lattice constants are a = b = 5.226 Å, c = 11.430 Å, and V = 312.2 Å3 . We explored the effects of Eu3+ doping concentration, reaction temperature, preparation time, and the energy transfer relationship between Eu3+ and Sm3+ on the phosphors. The Commission Internationale de l'éclairage (CIE) calculation results indicated that under excitation by ultraviolet light at 283 nm, the CIE coordinates of some CaMoO4 :Eu3+ /Sm3+ materials are located in the near-white light region, and could be used as potential candidates for single-matrix white phosphors.