Regulation of mitochondrial activity in white adipocytes is an essential component of adipose tissue and systemic metabolic homeostasis. Additional cells in adipose tissue (progenitors, endothelial cells, immune cells) are also critically regulated by mitochondrial activity in the respective cells. Intercellular and interorgan exchange of mitochondria is an important new mechanism of information exchange between cells and tissues. A key feature of the regulation of mitochondrial activity in adipose tissue is the choice of the preferred carbon source in the respective cells within adipose tissue, that is, use of carbohydrate through glycolysis versus use of lipids for oxidative phosphorylation. The choice of substrate for energy production exerts a profound impact on the characteristic metabolic features of the various cell types that make up adipose tissue and their impact on tissue and systemic energy homeostasis. The important role of mitochondria in the regulation of white adipose tissue (WAT) remodeling and energy balance is increasingly appreciated. The remarkable heterogeneity of the adipose tissue stroma provides a cellular basis to enable adipose tissue plasticity in response to various metabolic stimuli. Regulating mitochondrial function at the cellular level in adipocytes, in adipose progenitor cells (APCs), and in adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) has a profound impact on adipose homeostasis. Moreover, mitochondria facilitate the cell-to-cell communication within WAT, as well as the crosstalk with other organs, such as the liver, the heart, and the pancreas. A better understanding of mitochondrial regulation in the diverse adipose tissue cell types allows us to develop more specific and efficient approaches to improve adipose function and achieve improvements in overall metabolic health. The important role of mitochondria in the regulation of white adipose tissue (WAT) remodeling and energy balance is increasingly appreciated. The remarkable heterogeneity of the adipose tissue stroma provides a cellular basis to enable adipose tissue plasticity in response to various metabolic stimuli. Regulating mitochondrial function at the cellular level in adipocytes, in adipose progenitor cells (APCs), and in adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) has a profound impact on adipose homeostasis. Moreover, mitochondria facilitate the cell-to-cell communication within WAT, as well as the crosstalk with other organs, such as the liver, the heart, and the pancreas. A better understanding of mitochondrial regulation in the diverse adipose tissue cell types allows us to develop more specific and efficient approaches to improve adipose function and achieve improvements in overall metabolic health. a common drug-induced acute liver damage model caused by acetaminophen overdose, resulting in excessive mitochondrial oxidative stress, inflammation, and hepatocyte dysfunction. It is a widely used indicator of insulin resistance. the beneficial role of mitochondrial stress (e.g., reactive oxygen species) at a reduced level that protects cells against harmful insults. an agonist of the nuclear receptor, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ), the key transcription factor for adipocyte differentiation. Treatment of rosiglitazone improves hyperglycemia and insulin resistance in obesity.