Research relevance: low molecular weight supramolecular hydrogels are unique objects that can solve many pressing problems in medicine, food industry and other sectors of the national economy. Research objectives: in recent past, it was discovered that low-concentration solutions of L-cysteine and silver nitrate (CSN) can form, when electrolyte solutions are added to hydrogels. We were faced with the task of obtaining hydrogels from dilute solutions of glycyram (GC) by adding CSN, since GC, due to its poor solubility, has low bioavailability. Materials and research methods: using the method of isomolar series, a comparative study of the formation of hydrogels by dilute GC solutions with the addition of CSN and GCP was carried out. It has been found that most durable hydrogels were obtained using CSN. Thus, GC hydrogels were obtained at a concentration of 10−3 M after adding CSN and GCP, which have a supramolecular character and combine the properties of GC, amino acids, and silver ions. Research results: glycyram hydrogels were obtained at its concentration equal to 10−3 M by mixing it with silver amino acids L-cysteine (CSN) and L-glutamic acid (GCP) solutions in same low concentrations. Conclusions: hydrogels with glycyram form silver solutions of those amino acids that are capable of giving frame structures at a ratio of amino acid: silver nitrate of 1.25.