Qian Li,Vladimir A. Stoica,Marek Paściak,Yi Zhu,Yakun Yuan,Tiannan Yang,Margaret R. McCarter,Sujit Das,Ajay K. Yadav,Suji Park,Cheng Dai,Hyeon Jun Lee,Youngjun Ahn,Samuel D. Marks,Shukai Yu,Christelle Kadlec,Takahiro Sato,Matthias C. Hoffmann,Matthieu Chollet,M. Kozina,S. Nelson,Diling Zhu,Donald A. Walko,Aaron M. Lindenberg,Paul G. Evans,Long‐Qing Chen,R. Ramesh,Lane W. Martin,Venkatraman Gopalan,J. W. Freeland,J. Hlinka,Haidan Wen
The collective dynamics of topological structures have been of great interest from both fundamental and applied perspectives. For example, the studies of dynamical properties of magnetic vortices and skyrmions not only deepened the understanding of many-body physics but also led to potential applications in data processing and storage. Topological structures constructed from electrical polarization rather than spin have recently been realized in ferroelectric superlattices, promising for ultrafast electric-field control of topological orders. However, little is known about the dynamics of such complex extended nanostructures which in turn underlies their functionalities. Using terahertz-field excitation and femtosecond x-ray diffraction measurements, we observe ultrafast collective polarization dynamics that are unique to polar vortices, with orders of magnitude higher frequencies and smaller lateral size than those of experimentally realized magnetic vortices. A previously unseen soft mode, hereafter referred to as a vortexon, emerges as transient arrays of nanoscale circular patterns of atomic displacements, which reverse their vorticity on picosecond time scales. Its frequency is significantly reduced at a critical strain, indicating a condensation of structural dynamics. First-principles-based atomistic calculations and phase-field modeling reveal the microscopic atomic arrangements and frequencies of the vortex modes. The discovery of subterahertz collective dynamics in polar vortices opens up opportunities for applications of electric-field driven data processing in topological structures with ultrahigh speed and density.