Hair follicle regeneration has been successful in mice but failed in human being for years. Dermal papilla cells, a specialized mesenchymal stem cell derived from dermal papilla within hair follicles, is considered the key cells for hair follicle regeneration function as both regeneration initiator and regulator. Injectable platelet rich fibrin (i-PRF), a novel biomaterial rich in a variety of growth factors and three-dimensional scaffolds, has shown promising effects on tissue regeneration. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the application of i-PRF in human hair follicle regeneration by examining the biological effects of i-PRF on human dermal papilla cells (hDPCs). Biomaterial compatibility, cell viability, proliferation, migration, alkaline phosphatase activity and trichogenic inductivity were assessed after exposing hDPCs to different concentrations of i-PRF extracts. In addition, we investigated the ultrastructure of i-PRF with all cell components filtered. The results revealed that i-PRF possessing excellent biocompatibility and could significantly promote hDPCs proliferation, migration, and trichogenic inductivity. Furthermore, the concentration of i-PRF is able to remarkably influence hDPCs behavior in a dose-dependent pattern. Different concentrations exhibited differential effects on hDPCs behavior. In general, lower concentration promotes cell proliferation better than higher concentration, while higher concentration promotes cell function better reversely. Best concentration for hDPCs in vitro expending is 1% concentration. 20% concentration is optimal for hair follicle regeneration. In summary, our findings concluded that i-PRF facilitates hair follicle regeneration by promoting human dermal papilla cell proliferation, migration, and trichogenic inductivity.