Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier - A Guide.- A: Significance and Use of Hydrogen.- 1. Energy Supply Structures and the Importance of Gaseous Energy Carriers.- 1.1 Energy Demand Structures.- 1.2 The World Energy Consumption.- 1.3 The Energy User Structure and its Influence on Energy Usage.- 1.4 Energy Resources and their Range.- 1.5 Requirements on Future Energy Systems.- 2. Technologies for the Energetic Use of Hydrogen.- 2.1 Combustion of Hydrogen.- 2.2 Fuel Cells.- 2.3 Stationary Systems for Hydrogen.- 2.4 Hydrogen as a Fuel.- 3. Hydrogen as Raw Material.- 3.1 Present Situation and Future Development.- 3.2 Non-energetic Use in the Chemical Industry.- 3.3 Indirect-energetic Use of Hydrogen.- 3.4 Non-fossil Hydrogen as a Raw Material.- 4. Safety Aspects of Hydrogen Energy.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Safety Specific Properties and Characteristics.- 4.3 Behaviour in the Case of Deflagration and Detonation.- 4.4 Summary.- B: Production of Hydrogen from Nonfossil Primary Energy.- 5. Photovoltaic Electricity Generation.- 5.1 Physical Mechanism.- 5.2 Technology of Solar Cell Production.- 5.3 Solar Cell Moduls and Generators.- 5.4 Present Status of Photovoltaic Technology.- 5.5 Goals and Future Developments.- 6. Thermo-mechanical Electricity Generation.- 6.1 Thermodynamics of Solarthermal Energy Conversion.- 6.2 Production of High Temperature Heat by Means of Solar Energy.- 6.3 Production of Heat by Means of Nuclear Energy.- 6.4 Thermodynamic Cycles for Electricity Generation.- 6.5 Mechanical Energy Conversion for Electricity Generation.- 6.6 Indirect Possibilities of Solar Energy Utilization.- 6.7 Possibilities for Hydrogen Production.- 7. Water Splitting Methods.- 7.1 Survey.- 7.2 Thermodynamics of Water Splitting.- 7.3 Energy Balance of Chemo-technical Processes.- 7.4 Conventional Processes of Water Splitting with Hydrocarbons or Coal as Primary Energy Source.- 7.5 Water Splitting by Electrolysis.- 7.6 Water Splitting by Thermochemical Cycles.- 7.7 Economic Comparison of Different Water Splitting Methods.- 7.8 Further Methods of Water Splitting.- 8. Selected Hydrogen Production Systems.- 8.1 Survey and Selection of Systems.- 8.2 Technology and Electrolyser Plants.- 8.3 Electrolysis and Hydropower.- 8.4 Electrolysis and Nuclear Power.- 8.5 Electrolysis and Solar Thermal Power.- 8.6 Electrolysis and Wind Power.- 8.7 Electrolysis and Photovoltaic Power.- 9. Storage, Transport and Distribution of Hydrogen.- 9.1 Introduction.- 9.2 Storage Types and Storage Methods.- 9.3 Large Hydrogen Storage.- 9.4 Long-distance Hydrogen Transport.- 9.5 Short-distance Transport and Distribution.- 9.6 End-user Hydrogen Storage.- C: Design of a Future Hydrogen Energy Economy.- 10. Potential and Chances of Hydrogen.- 10.1 Future Contribution of Hydrogen.- 10.2 Sites for Hydrogen Production from Unlimited Energy Sources.- 11. Hydrogen in a Future Energy Economy.- 11.1 Hydrogen Production with Large Solar- and Wind-Stations.- 11.2 Development Strategy and Expenditures for the Production of Large Amounts of Hydrogen.- 11.3 Long-distance Transport Systems.- 11.4 Nuclear Energy and the Production of Large Amounts of Hydrogen.- 11.5 Characteristics of an Energy System with a Large Hydrogen Share.- 12. Concepts for the Introduction of Nonfossil Hydrogen.- 12.1 Introduction into Industrialized Countries.- 12.2 Decentralized Use of Hydrogen in Southern Countries.- 13. Energy-economic Conditions and the Cooperation with Hydrogen Producing Countries.- 13.1 Capital Requirements.- 13.2 Funding Possibilities.- 13.3 Cooperation with Hydrogen Producing Countries.- 13.4 Steps to Solar Hydrogen.