Z-scheme binary 1D ZnWO4 nanorods decorated 2D NiFe2O4 nanoplates as photocatalysts for high efficiency photocatalytic degradation of toxic organic pollutants from wastewater
In this study, dimensionally coupled Z-scheme binary nanocomposites from two-dimensional (2D) NiFe2O4 nanoplates and one-dimensional (1D) ZnWO4 nanorods are prepared for efficient degradation of an antibiotic tetracycline (TC) and organic dye rhodamine B (RhB) under solar illumination. NiFe2O4/ZnWO4 nanocomposites were synthesized by a simple and ecological in-situ hydrothermal method without the use of surfactants. Structural and morphological studies revealed the formation of heterostructure and 1D ZnWO4 nanorods were uniformly distributed over the surface of NiFe2O4 nanoplates. Light-harvesting capability was improved and optimized by loading with different amounts of ZnWO4. Photoluminescence analysis demonstrated inhibited nature of the recombination of photo-excited charge carriers in the nanocomposites. Photocatalytic experiments revealed that the nanocomposite exhibited improved Z-scheme electron-transfer for the degradation of TC under solar illumination. In particular, NFZW-20 nanocomposite demonstrated superior photocatalytic degradation of TC of approximately 98% within 105 min. Furthermore, their photocatalytic performance was investigated by RhB dye under the solar irradiation to achieve 98% of degradation of RhB in 70 min. Improved photocatalytic activities are attributed to the Z-scheme electron-transfer mechanism, which could enhance the superior ability of light absorption and reduced recombination rate of the photogenerated charge carriers.