Antibiotics have been widely detected in the ocean and have various impacts on the environment, while knowledge of their chronic influence on phytoplankton, especially red tide algae, is still limited. Dinoflagellates and green algae are common phytoplankton in marine ecosystems. The former is the main red tide algae, and the latter is an important primary producer. We investigated the long-term responses of two representative algae, Prorocentrum lima and Chlorella sp., to two common antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and norfloxacin (NFX)) at environmentally relevant levels (10 and 100 ng/L) during simulated natural conditions. The cell density and activities of three antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD)) were analyzed. The results showed that the influence of each antibiotic on Chlorella sp. was not significant (p > 0.05) during the first 10 days, but the influence of the antibiotics later began to show significant inhibition (p < 0.05) compared with the control group, especially during mixed exposure. P. lima was not inhibited, but its cell density increased. SMX had a superior stimulation effect on P. lima. The three enzymes activities of P. lima increased, and the antioxidant mechanism was not seriously impacted. However, for Chlorella sp., the activity of SOD increased while the activities of CAT and POD decreased, suggesting that this algae's antioxidant system was unbalanced due to oxidative stress. Based on our results, the growth of P. lima was different from green algae Chlorella sp. as well as other inhibited marine algae (such as diatom, golden algae) studied in previous studies. Therefore, as a typical pollutant in the ocean, antibiotics may play a positive role in the bloom of dinoflagellate red tides.