R ice product ion has a sign i Ikant errect on glohal warmi ng and atmospheri c chemistry through methane emission rrom Ilooded ri ce so il s. Water regime. soil properti es and the ri ce plant are major ractors controlling the tlu x or methane in ri ce rield s. Flooded ri ce so il s provide an opt imu m envi ronment ror methane production and emi ssion. Thi s rev iew dea ls with di scussion or variou , ractors arrecting methane emiss ion . estimation. mechani sm and control or methane emission. A brief descripti on is also given on the measurement or methane emiss ion rrom paddy soi I with and wit hout ri ce straw app licat ions. as we ll as with pot ex peri ments to es timate the con trihuti on or ri ce str;)W to the total methane emission during the growth period or rice plants .